
Pecorino IGT

Vitigno poco noto, affinato in carattere e nobiltà sull’alta collina. Risparmiato dall’invasione fillosserica, soccomberà per l’abbandono dell’uomo, perché poco produttivo, grappolo piccolo, delicato, sofferente di elevata colatura (aborto) fiorale. Tuttavia un autoctono delle terre d’Abruzzo, che, se vinificato ad arte, dà origine ad un vino dal colore paglierino dai riflessi verdognoli, profumo speziato di frutta matura, molto strutturato e sapido che ben si armonizza con i piatti della nostra terra. Servire fresco (8-10°).

A lesser known vine variety that grows its refined and noble character on high hillsides. After surviving the phylloxera invasion, this vine variety was abandoned from wine growers because of its low productivity: a very small and delicate bunch, highly subject to fruit abortion. However, this indigenous vine variety of Abruzzi, when properly grown, gives birth to a straw yellow wine with greenish shades, with a spiced aroma of ripe fruits and a well structured and savoury taste that perfectly match with our land’s traditional dishes. Best served cold (8-10°) .

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